Saturday, November 12, 2016

Super Moon, Open Mind

                       Midnight: Largest Supermoon Since 1948

Leonard Cohen died this morning.
Last month he said “I’m ready to die.”

Today the sun shined for a change.
Blue across the sky,
Clouds low and wispy.

The Cleveland ballclub lost to the Cubs
last week in that great Game 7 everyone
forgot all about.

The Cleveland ballclub last won it all in 1948.
But this year the city hosted
the Republican

The Cleveland ballclub lost to the Cubs,
who last won it all 108 years ago.
Old Judge Taft defeated William Jennings Bryan
in that year’s presidential election.

Nighttime frosty grass crusts glittering
under a few constellations
following a glowing supermoon.

Waxing and elliptical, tilting down to the right,
The moon hatched liked an enormous egg.

Daybreak: Remembering the Deep Moonquakes of Late 2016

And the moon hatched like an enormous egg

All along we thought only about its surface. But!

‘Twas to be the center of her – the yoke – ya see!

The moonshell cracked and cracked again.

We call them lobate sharps.

You could see all these lines and fissures from here on Earth.

And the moon hatched like an enormous egg.

The moonshell broke in two,
then into three
fragments all falling away at an amusingly
………….“O! ……….. Nooooo……oooooo..oooooo..oooooo..oooooo..ooooooo

The moon hatched like an enormous egg.

And the moonshell fell apart.
A sudden palliative cure for our planet’s auto-immunity disorder  – a.k.a. humans – arrived in the form of an inexplicable force of energy enveloping the Earth;
initiating from what used to be called:
“the core of the Moon”

The energy evaporated into the skies, and eventually soaked into their skin and sank into their water supplies.

                  And the humans opened their minds